LMCompatibility – Failed to connect remote server via Remote Desktop (RDP)

4.5/5 - (2 votes)
Hey guys,

Everything has been working great until recently for some reason you cannot use your RDP client to access your remote server? Did your remote desktop client continues to pop-up and you’re sure that entered the right password? Or your session unexpectedly exits? The following procedure could work on you.

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Create your database sample from a excel file using deltasqltool

Hi guys,


Did you ever think about how you can have a sample data to start build your ETL in meantime you don’t have access to the database?

Imagine the following scenario,

You’re a Europe(an) database administrator and you have received new requirements to build a new report. You found that the required data is located at China and your connection is actually strictly limited due security restrictions on both countries.

The integration will be something as I illustrate on the below figure.



Continue reading “Create your database sample from a excel file using deltasqltool”

4.7/5 - (3 votes)

Excel found unreadable content when exporting a SSRS report

Hi guys,

I ran into a strange bug in Visual Studio when I was developing a new report to track the effort of each team member. Noticed that “description” field on the incidents was containing an invalid ASCII symbol,called “VT”. Imagine field “description” as a field available on a random ITIL platform where the users enters the full incident description.

Continue reading “Excel found unreadable content when exporting a SSRS report”

4.7/5 - (3 votes)

Hello World

<Hello, World />, 9th September 2016.

Dear visitor,

I’d like to personally welcome each of you to my personal knowlegde base

To continue grow and self-improve as a profissional and a person, I decided to search for new ideas. Consider the knowledge you already have — the things you really know you can do. They are the things you have done over and over; practiced them so often that they became second nature. How many times you googled it and didn’t found the answer? If the goal is sharing ideas and findings, why not starting a blog? Let’s change the numbers.

Continue reading “Hello World”

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